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Giveaway sponsorship guide: what to fear

Giveaway sponsorship guide: what to fear

30 Dec 2020 Business, Other

A lot has already been said about the gives. And the pros and cons, praise, and unpleasant experience - all this was discussed in the blogging environment more than once, and not twice. But this does not stop many, and in general - if you are able to correctly evaluate the give, then you can really get a good profit from this. Let's figure out which things should be avoided and which ones to pay more attention to.

What are the gives

There are several types of gives: personal (personal), collective and branded. As is clear from the definitions, each type of give is suitable for a different number of people with a different target audience. One person, most often a popular artist or blogger, participates in nominal ones, several bloggers of related topics are involved in collective ones, and representatives of companies in brand ones.

Which give to choose

Disregard the names of popular bloggers right away. "Opinion leaders" have repeatedly proved to sponsors that nothing awaits them except a tide of bots and massive unsubscriptions. They do not follow the lists, and the prices are immodest. Even if these people are an authority for you, it is better not to carry your money to them for such dubious fun.

Collective is clearly a better option. The main reasons for choosing it instead of a personal give:

  1. If you organize such a giveaway and attract bloggers with a similar target audience, the likelihood that after the drawing everyone will receive massive unsubscriptions drops sharply;
  2. You have more control over the situation, and you can count on the fact that your dissatisfaction with something will be taken into account.

But there is, of course, a fat minus - it is very difficult to find an organizer or organize such a show yourself. You have to rely on chance or just chaotically scour among thousands of profiles similar to your subject.

What to look at

Look at your target audience

Of course, the first step is to evaluate the organizer's subscribers. If there is someone out there who might be interested in your content as well, then it makes sense to give it a try. If there are no such ones or there are very few, then it is better to drop them right away. It's not worth it.

Look at the prize

The prize also plays an important role. If it's some kind of Apple product or even a machine, then there will be more people willing to participate. This is good for the organizers, but bad for you, because people who are not from the target audience stick to the giveaway. They can find it by hashtag or something else. What does that mean? That's right, unsubscribe.

Look at those who will be sponsored with you on the same list

If the organizer is good, then he will not allow any dubious persons before his drawing. A sign of a bad attitude towards sponsors is the admission of everyone in a row, from conscientious citizens to all sorts of fraudsters. Always be interested in those who are “in the same boat” with you - these people can turn out to be bloggers like you, and all sorts of different fortune tellers, witches, air sellers and others. Their disgusting reputation will weigh heavily on your shoulders, no doubt.


You should not put a stigma on the givas as such. You've probably seen how popular bloggers exposed this PR method, detailing why it was wasted money. But most often we are talking about personalized giveaways, which are held by popular bloggers, with all the desired gifts. If you organize a collective give, in which mainly people interested in the content will participate, then most of the problems will disappear by themselves.

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