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Instagram Contest: Everything You Need to Know

Instagram Contest: Everything You Need to Know

30 Apr 2020 Tutorial, Business

You’ve probably come across more than once the claim that contests help in promoting your account. This is true - people start to like and subscribe, tell friends, and all this has a very good effect on statistics. Only here is how to competently conduct a contest so that everyone is satisfied?

In this article, we will not teach you to cheat. Deception is always revealed, so if you suddenly stint on a gift and decide to bring subscribers around your nose, then you should know that this will bring nothing but a broken reputation. We will give some tips on how to conduct a real and honest competition, where the winner will really be determined randomly, and not your will.


Keep 8 tips on how to have a good contest:

Target your target audience

Be sure to play exactly what will be interesting to your subscribers. No need to contrive and invent something very unusual - many may not appreciate your imagination. If you are a makeup artist, type a box of makeup products, if you are a stylist, put on a fashionable item. It is important that as many people as possible participate in the contest.

Do not skimp on the prize

The prize must be worthwhile. And if there are several, then very good. Of course, you can also hold a mini-draw, where the prize will be a trifle - a small sum of money, a subscription, photos flashed through, but do not expect that with such small shares you will get a big increase in people.

Use hashtags or ask to tag you in the photo

You can make a flash mob out of the competition if you are sure that someone will follow it. For example, to dance some kind of dance or demonstrate talents. Hashtags are a great way to promote.

Don’t put too many conditions

No need to demand to bring five friends, break through all the posts, see all the stories, put a candle in the temple for your salvation... all this pushes away those who could participate, if the conditions were simpler. And it is important for you that as many people as possible participate.


Remind about your draw periodically

A small story, where you hold prizes and remind you that they will soon leave for the winners, will not hurt. And for those who for some reason did not see the record with the rally, even more so. It’s not worth overdoing it, but also keeping people in the dark from date to date.

Don't make debtors out of subscribers

Contest is solely your initiative, which serves specific purposes. Subscribers simply contribute to this. On the contrary, they help you to achieve the desired result, and therefore to hang on them a sense of duty for the fact that you are so generous is very stupid and repulsive.

Use the services to generate numbers

Services like RandomStuff are already credible. It is impossible to tune or hack their results - they give out a truly random number with which you can’t do anything. Use the same proven services that everyone is hearing so that no hater has a desire to accuse you of fraud.

Broadcast results

So the subscribers will believe that you are not cheating, and that the results are not adjusted - they will continue to have more confidence in your stocks. It’s best to do it live, but you can also remove stories if there is no possibility for the first. The main thing is to shoot everything in one shot.

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