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Posts or Stories? Why stories became more popular than posts

Posts or Stories? Why stories became more popular than posts

30 Jul 2020 Business, Other

Формат сторис инстаграма в короткие сроки завоевал всех, от обладателей личного блога до владельцев крупных предприятий. Без него трудно представить мир современных инста-блогеров - нет более удобного и оперативного метода, чтобы связаться со своей аудиторией. Но для бизнеса все не так однозначно - в конце концов, их подписчики не интересуются личной жизнью владельца аккаунта. Стоит ли тогда тратить на это время? И если тратить, то как?

IThe Instagram story format conquered everyone in a short time, from owners of a personal blog to owners of large enterprises. It is hard to imagine the world of modern insta bloggers without it - there is no more convenient and efficient method to connect with your audience. But for business, everything is not so simple - their followers are not interested in the personal life of the account owner. Is it worth the time then? And if you spend, how?

Why Stories Become More Popular than Posts

The format is unique in itself, it is distinctive. But at the same time it gives a lot of room for creativity, which can be filled with what is suitable. Or you can use it in the same way that most do - for quick communication with customers and quick content that helps maintain audience interest until a new post appears.

So, how are they better than full-fledged publications? Not everyone is comfortable with this format after all: the story disappears if it is not saved, and the large text in them cannot be read, and the small time limit makes the situation only worse. But if you adapt to the story, then the story will adapt to you - in this case, it is important to be able to adapt the content.

The main advantage of stories over posts is that they are closer to reality. When you upload a photo to your profile, you involuntarily think about how to embellish it - you upgrade it and add filters that make the picture more attractive. This is good for sales, but users know that your photo is polished to a shine and that repels some of them.

Stories are not filtered by editors. The maximum is masks that will make the face sweeter, but they are perceived differently: there is no deception here, since they do not try to look natural, realistic.

What stories does a business account need?

First of all, take care to secure the necessary information from all stories. Whether it's delivery, payment or contacts of sellers - everything should be in the highlight, in the profile header. These stories will not disappear, they will remain until you unpin them yourself. As a result - very convenient navigation.

Of course, Stories will never completely replace the good old familiar posts format. At least not in the near future, because people are still more accustomed to focusing on them when it comes to important information. And yet, the new format has already shown itself well, and it copes especially well with maintaining the asset in the account. New Arrivals, interactive with customers, reviews - all this fills your profile with life, which not only attracts people, but also inspires their trust.

For a business, stories are more of a side tool, not a main one. You should not post 10-15 stories a day, as popular celebrities do, but at least one or two is worth spending time.

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